(726) Hridayasthaa ह्रदयस्था - She, that is installed in their own hearts by deities and devotees as the highest giver of Love, joy and happiness, i.e., as Love. After knowledge about Her is mature, there is an offshoot of a desire to have a relationship with Her and Hers, i.e., She than occupies the heart. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 595
(727) Aajnaa आज्ञा - She, who rules and set things as She desires, not by any hard effort but by mere command. Then the aspirant tries to know the ordinance through scriptures. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 828
(728) Poojyaa पूज्या - She that has been worshipped and prayed in all times by deities and devotees. Then the aspirant worship and prays to her.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 803
(729) Samhritaa-shesha-paashandaa संह्रताशेषपाषण्डा - Destroyer of all hypocrites, i.e., who are hostile to true religiosity and righteousness. Here She considers why the aspirant approach Her? Is he hypocrite? ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 355
(730) Mahaa-satvaa महासत्वा - She is the highest essence. She that tests and ascertains the essence or merit of her devotees what sacrifice he is capable of, what is his plane, etc., and fills up the deficiency to enable him to be Her true devotee.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 216
(731) Sulabhaagati सुलभागति -She is then very easy to approach and surrender ourselves to. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 683
The original name is SHOBHANAA SULABHAAGATI. Shobhanaa may be taken to mean salvation and the meaning that may be taken as easy from the commencement to the attainment of salvation.
(732) Sukhaaraadhyaa सुखाराध्या - Worshippable and appeasable with ease, i.e., without any great austerity or self-mortification. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 681
(733) Sadaatushtaa सदातुष्टा - Ever contended.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 921
(734) Sadoditaa सदोदिता - Ever alert to run to the succour of Her devotees.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 920
(735) Sadyah-prasaadini सद्यःप्रसादिनी - Granting Grace immediately and unfailingly. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 383
(736) Pooshtaa पुष्टा -Because She gets Herself nourished by the very joy that She experiences by doing the welfare of Her devotees. ललिता सहस्र नाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 801
(737) Bhaktanidhi भक्तनिधी - She becomes the treasure to which the devotee looks and on which the devotee counts in all his difficulties. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 567
(738) Drishyarahitaa दृश्यरहिता - She is invisible and every time She sportively tries to deceive the devotees by trying to create the false notion that his successes are due to his own efforts, chances or some other persons or other deities. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 650
(739) Daurbhaagyatulavaatulaa दौर्भाग्यतूलवाूला - The gale which blows away the misfortunes like the thistles or tufted seeds of reed. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 744
(740) Rogaparvatadambholi रोगपर्वतदंभोली - The thunderbolt which shivers the mountain of diseases. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 748
(741) Jaraa-dhvaanta-ravi-prabhaa ज्वराध्वांतरविप्रभा - The sun-beam which dispels the darkness decay. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 745
(742) Para-mantra-vibhedini परमन्त्रविभेदिनी -Destroyer of hostile charm. There are three energies: Prabhu Shakti (lordship), Mantra Shakti (diplomacy) and Utsah Shakti (armed force) and if with these energies anyone is trying to subdue or harass Her devotee, She destroys all these energies as also deadly weapons, if any, directed towards the devotees. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 812
(743) Raajya-vallabhaa राज्यवल्लभा - She that delights in making Her deserving devotees vallabhas or masters of desired dominions, namely of royalty, supernatural powers, wealth, knowledge, fame etc. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 686
(744) Trivarga-nilayaa त्रिवर्गनिलया - Abode of all the trinities, of deities, times, conditions, purusharthas, viz., Dharma, Artha and Kama, of three (Bhuvans) regions, etc.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 873
(745) Trivargadaatri त्रिवर्गदात्री - Giver of all that is desired, in connection with above-stated trinities. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 760
(746) Muktinilayaa मुक्तिनिलया - The abode of salvation, meaning the mine of gems of modes, of remedies, and dispensations, that go to restore freedom or secure salvation. Mysterious, unfathomable and innumerable are Mother ways of saving Her devotees. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 839
(747) Mukundaa मुकुंदा - Reliever from any miseries. Salvation-giver. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 838
Mukunda is the name of Krishna. That Krishna and Kaali are the same has been supported by many scriptures.
In the Tantra Raaja while describing several Gopal mantras it is thus stated, " Lalitaa, once appeared in a male body as Krishna , with Her different energies to support with Her in the form of Gopies. That the idol of Shri Nathji has been wearing a nose ring as a commemoration of the Mother's devotee Vallabha Dholaa is a well-known fact. This devotee showed to Krishna's devotees that Kaali was Krishna in male form by praying the idol to appear as Kaali and this the idol did.