GROUP A - (2)
Weapons and Visage
The names that follow describe Mother that has been described in the original as Shiva' wife. Necessary amendments have been made by a different interpretation so that except in the description of four arms and weapons , the description may be applicable to the Finalmost Mother. As stated in the Preface, the reader must use his discretion as to which name is applicable to which aspect of Mother.(9) Raagasvarupapaashaadhyaa रागस्वरूपपाशाढ्या - Holding the noose of desire. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 8 ]
Desire is the Supreme, the third, i.e., the Vaasanaa form of Mother, the noose being the corresponding gross form.This weapon She has in Her lower left hand. The subtle form of the noose is Hreem.
(10) Krodhaakaaraankushojwalaa क्रोधाकारांकुशोज्ज्वला -Shining with the elephant-hook of both " wrath and worldly knowledge ." [ ललिता सहस्रनाम, नाम क्रमांक 9 ]
Aakaara may be taken to mean self-created universe of souls based on ignorance, world-attachment and world-wormness.
She shines, holding in Her lower right hand, the elephant-hook which increases or removes world-wormness, wrathfulness, hatred, etc. The noose and the elephant-hook of Her are spoken as desire and anger. The noose is Ichchhaashakti, the goad, JnaanaShakti, and the bow and arrows referred to next represent Kriyaashakti.
(11) Manorupekshukodandaa मनोरूपेक्षुकोदण्डा - Armed with the sugarcane bow of mind. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 10 ]
Mind characterised with both Sankalpa and Vikalpa ( healthy and unhealthy, rational and irrational thinkings )
is the bow. This is in Her upper left hand. A mind has mainly four functions. {1} Covering the whole vision with thoughts of " I, my, mine, not I, not my, not mine," {2} Oscillating between several aspects of a question, {3}Discriminating and determining and {4}Unifying oneself with. These are, in one word, egoism, thinking, discriminating and being one with.
(12) Panchatanmaatrasaayakaa पंचतन्मात्रसायका - Having the arrows of the five subtle elements. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 11 ]
The five subtle elements viz, sound, touch, sight, taste and smell, are arrows; these are in Her upper right hand. " The arrows are of three kinds; gross, subtle and supreme; the gross are flowers, the subtle are mantras, and the supreme are the vaasanaas. Of the gross arrows, two important flowers are the lotus and the mango-flower. The other three are Raktakairav, Kalhaar and Indivar. In the Vaasanaa forms, joy, attraction, confusion, maddening and dying are the five arrows. Some say they are Sankshobhan (agitation), Dravan (wetting), Aakarshan (being attracted), Vashya (surrendering) and Unmaad (being mad).
The plainest thing is that this Mother, the Active Mother, utilizes the very same weapons of noose, elephant-hook, mind and the arrows and Her energies of desire, knowledge and action, to protect, guide, lift and liberate the souls or do otherwise, according to as Her Grace goes. One thing is however certain, on the top of everything, that She is for evolutionising and finally liberating one and all.
This is exactly what happens with every energy. How to utilize it is ours. Floods may ruin villages, and may as well create a gigantic hydro-electric power. With the very weapon, one may kill his enemy or commit suicide. The very noose may bind us or our enemies. It wholly depends generally on our desires, thoughts, actions, and natural tendencies, but principally on our devotion and Her Grace.
(13) Champakaashoka Punnaaga Saugandhika Lasat Kachaa चंपकाशोकपुन्नागसौगन्धिकलसतकचा - Her hair is adorned with the flowers of Champaka, Ashoka, Punnaga and Saugandhika; Her hair gives scent to flowers. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 13 ]
(14) Kuruvinda manishreni kanat kotirmanditaa कुरूविन्दमणिश्रेणीकनत्कोटीरमन्डिता - Her crown is resplendent with rows of Kuruvinda gems. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 14 ]
Kuruvinda is supposed to confer love, prosperity and devotion.
(15) Ashtamichandravibhraajadalika Sthalashobhitaa अष्टमीचन्द्रविभ्राजदलिकस्थलशोभिता - Her forehead is as bright and crescent shaped as the moon on the eighth day.[ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र नाम क्रमांक 15 ]
(16) Mukhachandra kalankaabha mriganaabhivisheshakaa मुखचन्द्रकलंकाभमृगनाभिविशेषका - The tiny mark of Kasturi (musk) on it is like the spot in the moon. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 16 ]
(17) Vadanasmara maangalyagrihatoranachillikaaवदनस्मरमांगल्यगृहतोरणचिल्लिका - Her eyebrows are like green auspicious buntings over the entrance arches of the palace of Kaamaraaj (God of Love).[ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 17 ]
(18) Vaktralakshmiparivaahachalanminaabhalochanaa वक्त्रलक्ष्मीपरीवाहचलन्मीनाभलोचना - Her eyes are like fishes rapidly moving and playing in the shining water of the tank, viz., the bewitching beauty of Her face.As Fishes nourish their progeny though eyes alone, so also Mother give all nourishment to Her devotees through Her merciful eyes shedding Grace. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 18 ]
(19) Navachampaka pushpaabhanaasaadanda viraajitaa नवचम्पकपुष्पाभनासादण्डविराजिता - Her nose is beautiful like the newly blown champaka flower. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 19 ]
Champak is the most beautiful flower, with the best shape, best colour, and best smell. It is however said that it does not attract bee ( who is not faithful to one flower ). So also those alone are attracted towards Mother who have a single pointed devotion " of one without a second ". Mother devotees know no God except Mother if they are true devotees.
(20) Taaraakaanti tiraskaari naasaabharanabhaasuraa ताराकांतितिरस्कारिनासाभ॓रणभासुरा - Shining with the jewel on Her nose, which excels the star of Mars in splendour. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक20 ]
(21) Kadambamanjiriklripta karnapura manoharaa कदंबमंजरीक्लृप्तकर्णपूरमनोहरा - Decked with clusters of the Kadamba flowers worn above Her ears. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 21 ]
(22) Taatankayugalibhuta tapanodupamandalaa ताटंकयुगलीभुततपनोडुपमंडला - The two jewels in her ears are the sun and the moon.
The sun and the moon are the breasts, eyes and ear-rings of Mother. [ ललिता सहसनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 22 ]
(23) Padmaraaga shilaadarsha paribhaavi kapolabhuh पद्मरागशिलादर्शपरिभाविकपोलभूः Her cheeks eclipse the brightness of the ruby Padmaraaga. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 23 ]
If the sky with beautiful red colour were like our earth and the sky had corals, how beautiful they would be !
But they would be feeling shy and be put to shame by Mother's cheeks.
(24) Navaviduma bimbashri nyakkaari radanchchhadaa नवविद्रुमबिम्बश्रीन्यक्कारिरदनच्छदा - Her lips put to shame the colour of fresh corals and Bimba fruit. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 24 ]
(25) Shuddha vidyaankuraa kaaradvijapankti dvayojwalaa शुध्दविद्यांकुराकारद्विजपंक्तिद्वयोज्ज्वला -
She shines with Her two rows of teeth in the form of buds of pure knowledge. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 25
Shuddha Vidyaa is pure or final knowledge when a yogi discarding limited supernatural powers is prompted to embrace all in himself.
On whom She smiles, he has passed through all Dikshaas, i.e., stages of initiation and knowledge. This Shuddha Vidyaa dawns on him and makes him forget the difference of "I" and "Thee". The upper teeth row represents theory and knowledge, the lower one initiation and realisation.
(26) Karpura vitikaa moda samaakarshat digantaraa कर्पूरवीटिकामोदसमाकर्षतद्दिगंतरा - The fragrance from the betel leaves She chews attracts the deities of different directions. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 26 ]
The tiny musk mark in the forehead and the fragrant betel leaf in the mouth are considered very auspicious and recommended for Mother's devotees.
Both confer attractive power. In the case of female devotees the tiny mark is a great protection against sexual hypnotism from the evil-minded and is a centre of radiations of her own sexual hypnotism for them whom she loves. The centre between the two eyebrows in a very important centre along the spinal cord way.
(27) Mandasmita prabhaapura majjata kaamesha maanasaa मन्दस्मितप्रभापुरमज्जतकामेशमानसा - The mind of Kaamesha is drowned in the fulness of the glory of Her sweet smile.[ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 28 ]
Kaamesh कामेश is Mother's primary beginner in devotion. Kaameshvar कामेश्वर is Mother's superior devotee. Kaamesh is the devotee who is desirous of conquering all desires. Kaameshvar is he who has conquered and has become master. Kaamesh is able to be above all the Kaama, desires and worries by reason of drowning his mind in the remembrance of Mother's sweet smile. The original popular meaning of Kaamesh and Kaameshvar is Shiva. The order has been changed here as the smile should precede the speech.
Original serial numbers 27 and 28 are interchanged.
(28)Nijasallaapa maadhurya vinirbhartsita kachchhapi निजसंलापमाधुर्यविनिर्भर्त्सितकच्छपी - The sweet melody of Her words brought the Kachchhapi to a stop. Kachchhapi is the Vinaa, i.e., the musical instrument of Saraswati or the Goddess Minerva of music. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 27 ]
Sings one devotee :- When Saraswati with Her Vina was singing Thy various triumphs in charmful tunes "O, Thou of beautiful speech! She immediately closed the melody of the string of her instrument with her fingertips, as soon as Thou started Thy vocal speech as it was sweeter than the sweetest music, ever sung or played."
(29) Anaakalita saadrdrishyachibuka shriviraajitaa अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजिता
Illuminated by the beauty of Her chin, the equal of which is not to be found. [ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमामक 29 ]
Chin reminds one of children's often catching Mother's chin and forcefully turning Her face to themselves to hear and grant the demand made by them Chin-holding is the most affectionate assertion of the child'd right to the Mother, turning Her mirror face to itself to join eyes to eyes and protruded lips to protrude lips. Reader just sublimate thy love to thy Mother. Has thy mother never thrust her betel juice, quite unexpectedly in thy mouth!Imagine the same oneness with the divine Mother, and tears will flow from thy eyes in devotion if thou art a true Maai-ist.
Jay Maai, Mother Bless All.
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